Here is to new begining!
The Master created humans first as The Lowest Type, most easily formed. Gradually, he replaced them by robots, the next higher step, and finally he created me, to take the place of the last humans.
‒ Isaac Asimov, 'I, Robot'.
Not trying to scare poeple with the thought of us seeing robots taking over cause they already have. If you ask me robots are nothing but an evolved homosapien. That being said now that this website is ready phew.
Let the fun My plan is to use this to write documentation and if time permits a step-by-step guide. I want to write around 2 articles + projects doc every month. Will use blog area to talk about things which aren't technical or I just want to talk about some random thing.
To just show off the ability of site let's try few things shall we?
This is how code will render as
# This is a comment, and is ignored by the compiler class moveRobo: def __init__(self): moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node("move_robo", anonymous=True)
Looking good!
Let's try inline code
cout << "Stop doing fucking Hello, World!";
.OopsI got carried awayHow does bash look like you might ask?
$ sudo rm /*
What about headings?
Let's see some Katex while we are at it $$ \varphi = 1+\frac{1} {1+\frac{1} {1+\frac{1} {1+\cdots} } } $$
Oh don't forget to press the terminal button on the top for some nice suprise.
$ press ALT+F4 to end the session.