
Let's see how to use it in your program

Building URL


This is to compose a google search URL for your search term. To specify your search term use search argument of the function to build the URL.

Usage :

from gimagegrabber import imgScrape

searchTerm = "kamikaze eminem"

url = imgScrape.build_url(searchTerm)

Getting Source Data

imgScrape.browser(url, test=False)

This to start a browser windows and scroll down the webpage to let more pictures load.It returns a raw source code data of the webpage encoded in utf-8 format. It takes 2 arguments url and test .

  1. url is the url of the page it needs to open.
  2. test is to make the browser scroll down less thus taking less time to return the source code. This is useful when you are writing or debugging something in your script.

It uses Chrome or Firefox to work so make sure you have Google chrome or Firefox installed at their default directory.

Sometimes you might need to click on show more images on webpage to load even more images

If you cant seem to open browser make sure you are on 64-bit OS and that you have chrome or Firefox installed.

If you are on 32-bit processor you need to use Firefox and you also have to download 32 bit driver from here and replace it with the already present geckodriver.exe saved in driver folder of the gImageGrabber Module folder.

Usage :

from gimagegrabber import imgScrape

searchTerm = "kamikaze eminem"

url = imgScrape.build_url(searchTerm)
raw_data = imgScrape.browser(url)
print(raw_data) #FOR DEBUG PURPOSE


This extracts the original link of the images from the html(source code) provided. html is the source code of the google image search page. It returns a dict with format [ link : file extension ] . If you want it in [file extension : link] you can use imgTools.invDict()` function from imgTools

Usage :

from gimagegrabber import imgScrape
from gimagegrabber import imgTools

searchTerm = "kamikaze eminem"
debug = False

url = imgScrape.build_url(searchTerm)
raw_data = imgScrape.browser(url,debug)
links = imgScrape.imageLink(raw_data)
print(links) #FOR DEBUG PURPOSE
print(imgTools,invDict(links)) #FOR DEBUG PURPOSE

Saving Images

imgScrape.saveImages(data, name, onlyType)`

This saves all the images given to it in a list of format [link: file extension].

It takes 3 arguments:

  1. data This is to provide dictionary containing links to images in format [link: file extension].
  2. name This is to provide the name for the folder under which images will be saved.
  3. onlyType If you want only a particular file extension then use this mention that. If not, then pass it a empty string or just don't use that argument.

The format in which it saves images is

Root folder
|-- Search Term
    |-- file extension(eg 'jpg')
        |-- 000001.jpg
        |-- 000002.jpg

Usage :

from gimagegrabber import imgScrape

searchTerm = "Kamikaze"
extension = '' #save all types of images

url = imgScrape.build_url(searchTerm)
raw_data = imgScrape.browser(url)
links = imgScrape.imageLink(raw_data)

Example Code

This code is included in the package as

from imggrabber import imgScrape

# Search term
search = 'kamikaze eminem'
fType = ''  # if you want all the files them make it empty string
debug = False

html = imgScrape.browser(imgScrape.build_url(search), debug)
data = imgScrape.imageLink(html)
imgScrape.saveImages(data, search, fType)